It's been already 3 years if I'm not wrong. I remember it was the summer of 2016 in Zürich. Shit.
I live here since 9 years already. I met this colombian guy Luis Alfonso Cruz long time ago, we used to rehearse with my cover band in a studio he was working at. So, we step each other from time to time.
I knew something about him. The guy seems to be known in the Zürich Music environment, but not always for good causes. I heard stories of him being a good musician, but a terrible person when times came for him to survive in one of the richest cities of the world.
Is not always easy when you move out from your home country to live in a completely culturaly different country. I heard stories of Luis Cruz from stealing a cell phone from a Studio; never ever giving back money that was lent to him; and always jumping from place to place for spending his nights, like sleeping on someone else's studios and eventually being kicked out from many places.
I understood that way of life, and everything sounded me to minor things until I regretably decided to invite him to be part of my music studio project, and I started to become part of his day by day while contructing it. I was always a very active person, but unfortunately naive and Cruz saw in me an amazing oportunity were everything was served. He did a few quick money calculations and he was convinced it was his huge chance.
This offer was of course an Oasis in the middle of the desert: I found a perfect spot in the middle of the city: a few steps away from the main station. The studio was to be built in -4 floor of an office building. It was my gem.
Having invited him to participate in my project was the worst decision I've ever made in my life. He took place of the studio very rapidily: bringing all his stuff (like equipments and instruments), even when the construction of the studio wasn't even started: a huge isolation work had to be done before getting in stuff. I later understood that my invitation to be part of my studio project was a perfect scape for him from a previous partner studio relationship (that same one I met him for the first time).
As soon as we got the keys of the new studio, I remember he decided to take and bring all his equipment from his previous studio quite late at night when nobody was there, and stupidily helped him. I guessed later that I mistakenly helped him to commit crime for stealing, I had no idea.
The day after his "former partner" (with whom he shared a studio before) was desperately calling him over the phone. I recall this because the day after we were together in a van on the way to get some materials for the construction of the new studio. I could see how this guy called on Cruz's cell phone like, probably 15 times, but he never answered. I was like "are you going to answer that?", but all he said to me was "maybe he already realized I took my stuff, and he probably needs something that's mine".
To my surprise, it was just the opposite: I contacted this guy after this episode by my own, and he told me "Luis took stuff that didn't belong to him". "Oh crap!", I thought. Weird stuff was happening.
We started building the studio and for some reason he started taking over decisions and all of a sudden took over my project. I was frozen, letting things be. Little by little I started noticing little things like the time we had to go to the stores for getting materials where he decided to steal quite many times little things like screw boxes; nails, even tools. No shame at all. He would put all that stuff in his pocket pay for the other stuff and leave the store. I was frozen again.
One morning I come to work on the studio (we had to build up a huge wall of material) and he was sleeping there, inside a sleeping bag on top of a matress. He said "I worked till late last night", but I later realize that he was basically homeless by decision (because is cheaper than paying for a rent), and he jumped for years from place to place, from studio to studio, from girlfriend to girlfriend to have a place to sleep at night.
I don't blame the way he decided to live his life, but I couldn't accept this behavior of using a place that's merely for working and start permanently using it as an own home. And I' couldn't help but notice that I was slowly building up an apartment for him, and not a studio anymore. I asked him about this "new thing" of staying over and using the studio as an appartment, I told him that I was not happy about that idea. I didn't want him to mix environments. He said "you don't understand how the music life is, the studio is like a second home". But in his case it was the only one. So I was one more time being treated as an amateur, the way he always treated me.
I started having a look at the numbers of the money we were spending fo the project. What supossely had to be 50 - 50 % started to be 60 -40 % and by the end it achieved the 70 - 30 %. Meaning, I was spending more money than he was. I told him "you should have a look at the numbers, they are available. Something's not right". He never did, and overlooked the whole situation.
I decided to stop this partnership, I didn't want it to go any further, it started disgusting me to be working to a complete stranger; a person who showed himself as confident specimen, and then the real one showed up: an opportunist. Plus, I made the mistake of never asking him whether he had the money for starting this or not. Conclusion: he didn't. What a mistake I made.
Here's when real problems began: he would never leave the studio I found. Why?, because I stupidly said "both" when the real state owner asked "would you both want to sign this contract or just you"?
So, since he was already living in this place, and all his stuff was already brought. I had no chance. He basically pushed me out of the exact place that I, with a huge effort, found.
"So, let's talk about money", I said. "This is the money I invested, and since you are not leaving this place I guess you need to reimburse me all the money I spent in this project, otherwise we do the opposite: I give you the money you invested and you leave.", I offer. And to my surprise his answer was "I'm sorry, I'm not kicking you out of this. You are deciding to leave, so you won't get any of that money. But if you want, you can stay". And this became another huge problem. It was a living nightmare: Luis Cruz decided not only to stay in the place but also to not give me back the CHF 3500 I spent in materials and equipment. If I decide to leave, then I leave with nothing: that's the way his head works. Unfortunately he was wrong, and I knew it.
That's when I started collectting stories were he was involved because of stealing, not giving back money and missbehaviours. I started collecting these stories because I decided to take the case to court, but not before letting him know. So I contacted 5 different people who had issues with him. I only had the contact of one of them, but this person helped me to get the rest of the stories. I can not write about what happened on each of the cases these people had with him because that doesn´t concern me. All I cared was how I felt about the outcome of each of these cases in order to take a decision.
He panicked about what I could do in order to either get back my money or the studio, so he harrased me for day via email threathing me psicologically with stories about "being a gentleman for disolving the partnership" (how ironic). Sometimes he even mixed the situations and made use of his status of a religious person using the word of his "God" for trying to convince me that I was doing wrong. "Neh, neh, me doing okay", I always said to me 😎.
This is a funny part of the story: he never realized he made a legal partnership with me. A simple partnership that requires no legal documents but a simple goal in common between partners. And this was of course regulated by the goverment of Switzerland: Einfach Gesellschaft.
So I first took the case to a previous stage which was the "judge of peace": someone who mediates between partners who can't disolve a partnership in a logic way. The nightmare went on until the day I had to meet him in this previous to court stage: one year later.
He showed up well dressed, no more long hair and with the companion of, let's call her Peggy: the girlfriend of the week. I went there with my wife for traslation reasons. He tried to demonstrate a
couple of weird reasons why he was entitled to not give back my money, just like the previous "he decided to leave, so there's no money back".
After two hours of being there and fighting for my rights, he agreed on giving me back only CHF 1300 out of the CHF 3500 I invested. So, he kept CHF 2200. Money that I'm still waiting for.
Peggy, stood up and went to an ATM to get some cash, "another victim", I thought. So, he didn't even gave me back the that money, but Peggy did. It was that money or really taking the case to court. So I decided to stop the nightmare somehow.
In despite of all this, I did a great job building up that studio. I worked until the getting it ready for the set up. But he kept that for him.
I learnt many lessons partership wise. But mainly to be as far away of that person. I made a lot of mistakes, and he basically abused of my time, person and money.
Who knows how many other people has he commited fraud to all this time.
Long story short: I think today he's doing well with my gem. I gave him the hand no one ever gave him before and he betrayed me, but that's ok, because in that Studio lives my spirit. The spirit of a person who really put effort to build dreams and not to destroy them as he did.
It's been some time now, but this story needs to be told. The "Wild Pig" (El Jabalí) as I call him, came one day and devoured all my effort.
Meet Luis Cruz, this is his Facebook address where he changes his name quite often (who knows why. I however can guess why). And here you can see what took me 3 months to build for nothing (I was actually waiting for him to share pictures of the place in order to tell this story 😊).
I'm staying intact. Chin up. Life is a boomerang.